promoting mental health in schools
10 | October | 2023

Single Parenting In India & An Educator's Role in Promoting Mental Health in Schools

Single parenthood is a journey that can be both heart-wrenching and uplifting. In India, the challenges faced by single parents, whether they are fathers or mothers, are significant and varied. This article attempts to explore the struggles and resilience of single parents in India and highlights how educators can be instrumental in supporting both the single parent and the child.

Challenges Confronting Single Parents

Financial Struggles:Single parents bear the weight of financial responsibility alone, a daunting task in a country with rising education and healthcare costs. For instance, a single mother working tirelessly might grapple with the challenge of ensuring her child receives a quality education without compromising their basic needs.

Emotional Stress:The emotional toll of parenting is substantial, and for single parents, this burden can be overwhelming without a partner to share the responsibilities and provide emotional support. Consider a single father trying to navigate the complexities of post-divorce life while maintaining a stable emotional environment for his child.

Limited Support Systems:India's traditional joint family system often isolates single parents, leaving them with limited support from extended family or the community. A single mother facing societal judgment or ostracization due to her status may find herself alone in her struggles.

Balancing Work and Parenting:Single parents constantly juggle between their job and parenting duties, sometimes at the cost of their careers. A single parent may opt for a lower-paying, more flexible job to be available for their child after school or during emergencies.

Social Stigma:Despite societal progress, single parenthood still carries a stigma in India, resulting in discrimination and isolation. A single mother may face pressure to remarry, potentially impacting her child's well-being.

Impact On Children

Children raised by single parents exhibit resilience but face unique challenges:

Emotional Well-being:The absence of one parent can lead to children feeling emotionally unsupported. A child raised by a single parent might long for the absent parent, causing emotional turmoil.

Educational Outcomes:Financial constraints can limit a child's access to educational resources and extracurricular activities, potentially affecting their academic performance. A single parent might struggle to provide additional educational support or pay for extracurricular lessons.

Peer Pressure:Children from single-parent families may experience social pressures and stigmatization, impacting their self-esteem and peer relationships. For instance, a child may feel different when attending school events without both parents.

Role Of Educators in Promoting Mental Health in Schools

Creating a Supportive Environment:Schools can foster an inclusive atmosphere where single-parent families are welcomed and accepted. Organizing parent-teacher meetings at flexible times can accommodate the schedules of working single parents, ensuring their participation. Promoting mental health in schools is crucial for the overall well-being of the students.

Academic Support:Offering extra academic assistance, such as discounted tutoring or scholarships, can help level the playing field for children from single-parent households. Schools can provide textbooks and study materials to alleviate the financial burden on parents, contributing to a positive mental health environment.

Mental Health Awareness:Educators can raise awareness about mental health and provide access to counseling services for students. School counselors can offer support to children dealing with the emotional challenges of single parenthood, helping them cope and grow, which is essential for promoting mental health in schools.

Parent-Teacher Communication:Establishing open lines of communication with single parents can help address concerns and tailor support to the unique needs of their children. Regular updates on a child's progress and well-being can ease the burden on the single parent and keep them informed, further enhancing mental health support.

Community Outreach:Partnering with local organizations and community resources can provide single parents and their children with access to additional support services, such as additional professional help, financial assistance, or legal advice, ensuring their holistic well-being and promoting mental health in schools.

Wayne Macdonald’s Children Safety & Survival Program & Single Parenthood

WAYNE MACDONALD’S CHILDREN SAFETY & SURVIVAL PROGRAM (The CSS PROGRAM) in schools, seamlessly integrates practical lesson plans for students and interactive workshop sessions for parents. This program also plays a significant role in promoting mental health in schools.

an online class for promoting mental health

Through interactive lesson plans & practical self-awareness techniques such as role-playing, gamification, real-life simulations, kinesthetics, etc., the students are guided to reflect on their mental and physical vulnerabilities arising due to being a single parent child and their subsequent decision-making process. This self-realization and the self-correction journey enhances and implements their mental & physical health, thus contributing to the promotion of mental health in schools.

Through interactive workshops by industry professionals, parents are encouraged to evaluate and self-reflect the impact of their behavior on themselves and their children as well as discuss strategies for fostering positive awareness and effective solutions to address this issue. These workshops not only benefit the parents but also indirectly contribute to promoting mental health in schools.

The collected feedback data from both students' lesson plans and parent workshops is carefully analyzed by the CSS PROGRAM trainers and transferred to school counselors who then approach the data through meta-analysis in order to identify patterns and proactively take corrective action for optimal effectiveness to help single parents as well as the child. This data-driven approach is crucial for promoting mental health in schools.


Single parents in India, whether mothers or fathers, are resilient individuals navigating a challenging journey. Educators play a pivotal role in creating an inclusive and supportive environment that empowers both the single parent and their child, ultimately contributing to promoting mental health in schools. By recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by single-parent families, we can ensure that all children have the opportunity to thrive, irrespective of their family structure. This collective effort can lead to a more compassionate, equitable, and inclusive society that promotes mental health in schools, ensuring the well-being of every child.