Education is all about scoring high and getting good grades.
Education must also prepare one to face the challenges of life positively & confidently.

The percieved development of a nation is measured by economic and financial growth.
For a nation to be considered truly developed, it has to treat it’s men, women and children with respect
and dignity.

Only by showing protests, conducting candle-light marches, having media discussions, etc. can one
educate and create awareness to bring about dynamic change in society.
Grassroot level Life skill training programs and education among children is a key ingredient to bring
about positive change. There is an urgent need for this amongst the new generation.

Human resource development is basically for the adults and all such programs must be aimed primarily at the betterment
of adults in general.
Children are the future hope of any country. Effective national human resource development programs
must prepare these children to build safe and peaceful societies as well as nations with confidence.

To create a safe and progressive society is the responsibility of the state, the upholders of law and the
government. It is their job to develop such initiatives for the people.
Apart from the government, it is also each citizen's responsibility to positively contribute to
developmental programs to create a progressive and safe society. To bring about change, we need to
become the change ourselves.